
A glimpse into the world of the handicapable.

Bottoms up!

Typically when I transfer (into a bed or my wheelchair), I use one arm to support myself and the other arm doing a…well, I call it the “one arm, handstand with a twist”. My little bottom is in the air and up I go with the rest of my body. I will record it one day, because it sounds very technical and difficult. It’s really not.

I have an after school program with my students. It’s a sign choir and we like to participate in different school activities. One such event was the anual parade. It’s a homecoming tradition and a very fun event! One day we decided we wanted a big banner to carry with us on our route around the neighborhood. I got out of my chair and was on the floor helping the kids paint when my student, AQ, looked at me with big eyes and said…”Ms. Cates…do that again!”. She wanted me to get back into my wheelchair and show her how I transferred on and off my chair. I was glad to do it, and realized what a teaching tool that was.

I wonder if little Zoomie will ask me questions about my disability (or my handicapness), or will he think it’s just “mom”. Sorry…errant thought.

Oh…my point…(darn this pregnancy brain!!!!!)

My little trick to transfer is quickly developing into a wild gymnastic routine that I can only explain as…exhausting…but I think it’s kind of neat that as my body changes…so will the way I normally do things. I promise…a video will come soon. (Yes, Heather…with captions). =)

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2 thoughts on “Bottoms up!

  1. I don’t think you can fully blame pregnancy brain for your trailing off topic. 😉

  2. I am going to anyways! =P

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